Thursday, October 8, 2009

I had an interesting conversation with Brighton... went like this:

Brighton: "I fell on my butt. You need to kiss it better."
Me: "Um, no."
Brighton then proceeds to pull his underwear down and waving his naked rear in my face says impatiently, "KISS IT, KISS IT, KISS IT!"
Brighton is a firm believer that kissing it better actually works (apparently).

***If Jared was home I would have thought he had put Brighton up to it.

Oh ya, one more funny story. Last Friday when we were at playgroup at the park, I was talking to some of the other moms and out the corner of my eye, I see Brighton standing on the edge of the playground with his pants down around his ankles, naked hinnie facing us "peeing like a big dog" (that is what he calls it when he goes outside). I was embarrassed, but I kinda thought it was funny too. Jared looked proud when I told him about it that evening.


Anonymous said...

Oh, boys can be SO fun! :)

Kathleen said...

boys, gotta love em :)

Rachel said...

Oh Brighton! Audrey always talks about when they got naked last time you guys came over.

Melissa said...

That is hilarious!! So did you kiss it? Hey, how did you get the LDS button on your page?

Grampa Ron said...

When you gotta go you gotta go!

Amy and Clark said...

So you never told us whether or not you gave in and kissed it better!

janae said...

No I did not kiss it better.