Thursday, July 1, 2010

We moved....

Brighton managed to find a moment of pure joy amidst the commotion  of packing.

I know, Iknow.   I am a slacker, but things really got crazy there for a while.  Just to catch you up, in the last three months we packed up our stuff into storage, visited family in Arizona for two months, went back to NC for Jared's graduation,  Jared took  his boards and PASSED, went to California to visit more family,  moved to Pennsylvania,  and Jared started his new job.  That's all.  More details to come....


Rachel said...

awesome picture!

Carrie said...

Wow! I was starting to wondering if you survived the Subway diet. Congrats on graduating to Jared! Can't wait to hear more about what you all are up to. How do you like Pennsylvania? The bum picture is a classic! He is going to love that when he gets older... :)

Deb said...

Come visit!!!! You guys are only a couple hours away and we basically have an empty house! Allie would love to see you guys too... come come come!drop me an email with your address, email, phone etc.